Wtech is partner of the international TEDxPadova “Shake your mind and lead the change!” which will be held on March 1 at the Cultural Center of Padua St Cajetan. A conference that will convince the public to look at the world from a new point of view. Brilliant minds will gather in the city of Padua to share ideas relating to the most ingenious innovation.
For some time, Italy is sharing the mission of TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) organizing independently TEDx events to disseminate “ideas worth.” The Format, born in California five years ago, is known throughout the world for being able to disseminate innovative ideas that stimulate positive change and have had speakers among the most important thinkers of the modern world such as Steve Jobs, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Michelle Obama and many others. Padua is now to seize the opportunity of this transformation thanks to a group of young Paduan, all under 30, who has decided to get into the game in the first person to realize TEDx in their city: a bold challenge that test the will to improve the world in which we live.
TEDxPadova is organized under the patronage of the Municipality of Padua and relies on partnerships with major companies such as Apogee Consulting and Azimut, Cassa di Risparmio del Veneto, LS Lexjus Sinacta, Bisol, Venissa Unipiazza, PRConsulting, by Gaetano Go Coppola, Youmove.com, Startempo, TAG (Talent Garden Padua), Vodafone … and of course Wtech Ltd.
Wtech hereby grant to fund the TED values such as innovation, technology, meeting, communication and change and that is why we decided to invest in this initiative. Our innovative automation technologies they want to give their customers the same shock that this event will give many people who will follow him. It ‘a pleasure for us to partner with all of this that is sure to be a great success for the city of Padua and proud to be part of an initiative which for decades has become synonymous with innovation and wonder in the world.
For more information, visit TedxPadova.